Saturday, December 8, 2007

Constructive Failure

Constructive Failure is one of the most powerful concepts for any organization, region, or individual wanting to develop an entrepreneurial orientation. This video clip of Randy Komisar -- a venture capitalist from Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers -- highlights some superb wisdom on the value of "constructive failure" ... listen and absorb ...

Other useful resources from Randy Komisar include his book:
The Monk and the Riddle - Komisar takes the reader through a hypothetical Silicon Valley start-up, with an eager entrepreneur named Lenny trying to get funding for an online casket-selling business. As Komisar helps Lenny find the real purpose of the business, the passion behind the revenue projections, he reflects back on his life as an entrepreneur. Komisar emerges as a master storyteller, the kind of guy you'd feel honored to share a bottle of wine with. And you believe his conclusion: "When all is said and done, the journey is the reward." It's great if you've made billions on the journey, but the important thing is that you do something you can truly throw yourself into.

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